Only the hilt, grip, and about 3ft of the blade of the Sword of Saint Galgano are visible and all the pieces have been dated to the 12 th century and come from the same artifact, which means it has never been tampered with. A Sub-Trope of Improvised Weapon, a hook is a curved or bent device for catching, holding, or pulling, while a crook is an implement having a bent or hooked form, such as a shepherd's staff. Pair of hook swords with rigid blades, made of stainless stell, wooden handle, designed for modern Shuang Gou practice. Some useful techniques with conventional two swords vs spear are harder to do with the hook. This is mostly an advantage (but an opponent can take advantage of it). One of the most influential of the early swords that arose during the Bronze Age, the khopesh was an ancient Egyptian weapon that featured a hooked blade sharpened on its outside edge. Some versions of the chicken sickle sword combine a hook while keeping a better thrusting point. Galgano was asked to give up his material possessions and to prove that that would be as easy as splitting a rock, he plunged his sword into a stone and it has remained there since then. Hook swords are not as good for thrusting. The sword was placed in the stone by Saint Galgano, who had visions of the Archangel Michael while traveling to Montesiepi. Inspiring fear by their very appearance are the hook swords.

The Sword of Saint Galgano actually does date back to the 12 th century and is embedded into a piece of stone at the ruins of the Abbey of Saint Galgano. This involves swiftly circling the sword over the head and back, always cautiously keeping. A sword is a bladed weapon intended for both cutting and thrusting. However, there is a real “sword in the stone” in Tuscany and it’s been deemed authentic by researchers. Notice how none of these is a sword, because swords dont have hooks on the end of them. The legend of King Arthur and the Sword in the Stone is one of the most famous stories in the world, but both Arthur and the sword don’t actually exist.